Monday, May 17, 2010

It's too early for this

My three children have already been up over an hour. The breakfast rush is over, the sleepy eyes are now bright, yet it is only 6:52am on a Monday morning. The question of my existence?? What to do the next 12 hours! I wish I had the luxury of those few moms who have children that sleep past 5:30(I'm sorry, what's that? never heard of it) I'm lucky though, my husband let's me sleep in on the weekends-7:30 to us is bliss! Yet when the clock hits 5 on Monday morning I have a weekend sleep hangover. Friends and family have told me "Don't worry! Soon they will sleep until noon, and you will have to drag them out of bed!" I can't wait for that day, and honestly, I probably be sleeping until then too! Ok- no- back to reality, I won't be sleeping. I'll be washing Cam's football uniform, and baking brownies for Hannah's bake sale, and bailing Grace out of jail.( Just kidding sweetheart, I love you-but seriously chill out on the stealth mode moves, you are starting to scare me) I have to laugh sometimes at those with no kids, claiming all the stresses on their lives, and how their dogs are their children. Oh you just wait my friends- up hold on, Hannah just colored on the couch-the time outs have already started and it's barely 7am! " I'm ready to be nice!!!!" she is yelling out me, Your not the mom Grace!!! Mom!!, Tell her you are the mom MOM!!!!" It's gonna be a lonnnng day. See, this is what DINK(Dual income no kids) don't get. They claim to- but they don't. See they can leave on the drop of a hat, a weekend trip to the Cape honey? Sure why not we deserve it!! Ha! Yeah right, Brian and I consider a "weekend getaway" as a trip to the grocery store with only one child and not all three!! I do have an upside though, I had my kids early. So technically while they are all out until 2am partying, and I am up at two am feeding a nine month old we are semi equal. Until that day in their 30's comes along when they have children of their own, I'll be sleeping allllllll night and they will STILL be up until 2am. I love them all and egg them all on to have babies though, and you know why? Because no matter how tired I say I am, or how stressing it may be to have three children under the age of five, I LOVE BABIES. I love their smell, their smiles, and everything about them as they grow up into their own personalities. Each day is like opening a wonderful(sometimes a little smelly) present. And I wouldn't trade a day of this chaos for a weekend on the cape any day. OK, OK with a little nudge, maybe one night away would be nice :)

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