Monday, May 17, 2010

Why didn't I think of this before?

I gave my three children spaghetti for lunch today- this was my first mistake- the second mistake was the sauce. now before you go and judge me and say "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!? Spaghetti and rice are a mom and brooms worst nightmare!!" I know, I know, but the 5 year old gave me the puppy eyes, and I caved. "Please for the love of all things Holy Grace don't take your bowl from the table" I must have said it ten times. Of course in this house my children don't speak the language of mom, or listen to it for that matter- I turn my back for ONE second and her entire bowl of sauce, cheese, meatball, and mess roll all over the floor, into her boots(I'm not joking), and all over poor Cameron. "You are cleaning up this entire mess!! What did I tellllllll you?!?!?!?!?" Well she did clean it up, but she cleaned it up like a five year old would. Needless to say, it looked like Barilla and Prego got into a fist fight in my kitchen. Cameron was so ready for a nap, and me putting him down was like a 13 year old putting down the Justin Beiber feature in TeenyBop-NOT happening. So I improvised.... I stuck two swiffer pads to each shoe and skated around my kitchen like Nancy Kerrigan. I got a great work out(again, not joking here!) and the girls thought it was the greatest thing in the world! We strapped those bad boys onto our shoes and had a dance party, best of all that kitchen floor hasn't been that clean since it was installed! Guess we'll be dancing in the kitchen more often! Now if only I could figure out a way to strap the vacuum to my kids and we'll be golden


  1. In her boots...
    I just spit out my drink. Thanks, Em.

  2. Trust me Ash, I spit out a lot of everything when that spaghetti went -a- flyin!!

  3. thaht that is sooo funny i couldnt stop laughing picturing you in the kitchen haha

  4. Em.. this is a great idea. It's like a diary that you can have for the kids. When they get older, they love to hear stories about the silly things they did when they were babies..I know mine still do...good luck with it.


  5. Thank you Arlene! Hopefully they will! and you too!
